AI Article Generator: Free Tool for Blog Post Writing

Robotics Cuate

AI has been an unseen co-author for professional content creators for some time now, but thanks to the hype generated by ChatGPT (pun intended), more people have learned about Large Language Models and what these tools can do for you. Of course, AI essay writer capabilities were at the center of public discussion that split the educator community in half. However, AI tools are so much more than simply academic paper aid! They can create written content in a variety of genres and styles, emulating a wide register of voices – from an industry expert to a goofy friend who loves dad jokes. This flexibility makes AI a perfect helper for anyone who needs personalized content.

Essay Writer AI is a versatile tool that can be anything for everyone. Yet today, we want to talk about its blogging and article-writing functionality.

We have created Essay Writer AI not only with students in mind. If you have a website for your business and want to bring new visitors and make them come back, there is no better way to do this than regular blogs and informative articles. Yet there is one problem: as an entrepreneur, you have enough tasks to occupy every minute of your day without brainstorming ideas, outlining, writing, and editing.

Before, you would have to hire a copywriter or an entire team to fill your blog with helpful and engaging content, but now all you have to do is open a blog template on the Essay Writer AI website and let this state-of-the-art article generator AI free you from this writing routine at no cost at all. How? We’re glad you asked!

Free AI Article Generator to Explore Your Ideas

If you have ever tried out ChatGPT or similar LLM as a blog post AI generator, you might have noticed that the results are sort of… meh. If you ask something like “Write me a blog article about staying productive throughout the day,” it will return a 500-word bland copy that is somewhat informative but looks like something you’ve already read a dozen times and has zero entertainment value. That’s not what you want your blog to be!

What can you do?

The secret to a great blog post is a neat outline. That’s how it always was for hand-crafted blogs, that’s how it remains for AI-generated ones. To get a blog that covers all aspects of the topic and flows naturally, you must feed the AI tool or your choice some structure, to begin with.

That’s where Essay Writer AI comes into play: we have beautiful templates and an outlining tool that creates a logical and comprehensive structure for all imaginable topics you’d want to cover in your blog.

How does it work?

1. Go to our “Outline” tool to generate a detailed plan for your article. Select a type of text you want (blog), indicate the topic, add some keywords and click generate. You will get a beautiful outline you can use to write the blog yourself or paste into any free article generator AI software of your choice. However, for the best results, we recommend you use our “Blog Post” tool, specifically crafted for producing engaging and informative articles in blogging format.

2. Switch to the blog post generator AI and paste the outline into the instruction box. This way, you will get the most precise result that fits your vision, is informative, easily digestible, entertaining, structured to engage the audience, and flows naturally.

However, if you are in a hurry or just need something to blast through writer’s block, you can give your own instructions to the blog post generator without the outlining step. In fact, we encourage you to try both methods and compare the output. That is pretty enlightening.

Some Tips on Using Our AI Blog Post Generator

Using our blog post generation tool is easy and intuitive. You don’t need any specific knowledge and skills to create great articles with it. However, you might find that the results far exceed your expectations when you follow these simple guidelines as you compose your prompt for AI:

Define your audience

Always keep in mind your target audience: age group, interests, pain points, preferences, what they like to read about, and how it should be written. If you know the demographics of your target readers, outline them in the prompt so that AI can better cater to them.

Set your article objectives

Determine the goals of your blog: informing, entertaining, persuading, educating, selling? Listing your objectives will help AI to return the most fitting content in the right tone of voice.

Add personalization

AI can personalize content following your instructions – use this feature. Incorporate any information you have that can help to create unique content: names, places, specific numbers, or keywords to be used in the generated text, etc. The more personalized your blog is, the more engagement you get.

When you give clear and detailed instructions to an AI blog generator, results are much more compelling than with vague prompts, such as “Write me a blog about shopping for sneakers.” However, even when you get a beautiful customized copy from our generator, you can still take some steps to make it shine. For example:

Add engaging headline and intro

Headlines and introductions play a major role in grabbing readers’ attention, so it’s best to tweak them manually to make them more relevant and catchy with humor, puns, cultural references, and other stuff that humans do better – at least, for now.

Review and edit

Always edit your AI-generated content to correct any factual errors, ensure clarity of presentation, give it natural text flow, and simply add a human touch. This way, your blogs will be consistently written in your tone of voice, and you will develop your own style that your audience recognizes and loves.

Structure your article

If necessary, add subheadings and bullet points to break the text into shorter sections and make it more scannable. This improves readability and engagement.

Incorporate visuals

Visuals make your content more engaging and pleasant to interact with, thus compelling your readers to stay on your website longer. Add photos, images, infographics, or relevant videos to enhance your generated blog post. If you don’t have any relevant pictures, you can create art using free image-generating AI tools.

Encourage interaction

Add calls to action at the end of your blog to encourage your readers to comment, share, like, leave a review, participate in a contest, buy, or take any other desired action.

Essay Writer AI blog generation feature is a powerful and incredibly useful tool that saves your time, helps you maintain a consistent publishing schedule, and makes it possible to explore diverse niches that you are not yet entirely competent to write about unaided. However, AI can never completely replace human creativity and oversight. Always edit and enhance your generated articles to ensure quality, accuracy, authenticity, and genuine connection with your audience. Combining AI capabilities with human expertise produces the best results – try out and see. Happy generating!